Sunday, March 15, 2009

Abita Pub Crawl

What? $1 Abita Red Ales and a free t-shirt? Alright.

I think you can look back at this blog and know that we are pretty big Abita fans. So when we heard about an Abita Pub Crawl in the CBD on Friday the 13th, we were all about it. We had missed one a few weeks back and wanted to make sure we made it out to this one.

It was 4 stops: McGuire's on Magazine, Jasper's on St. Joseph, Rusty Nail on Constance, and Ugly Dog Saloon on Andrew Higgins.

We like to make our own plan so we strayed away from the beaten path a little.

We started at McGuire's and they had a pretty good outside party going on. They were charging a ridiculous amount for some crawfish though. But there was a good crowd, and we got our free shirts and some cheap beers.

We went inside to get some food but they had a special menu for the crawl and it wasn't really what we were looking for. And it was kinda lame in there.

So we went in search of Jasper's to see if they had some better offerings. We will never know because we couldn't find it.

So we headed to Rusty Nail and were the first crawlers there. It was actually a pretty good bar but they don't serve food there so we picked up an Abita Strawberry Harvest (my first) left the car and trekked down to Ugly Dog Saloon to see what they had to offer.

To be honest, it wasn't much but we got a couple of pretty good baked potatoes with butter, sour cream and cheese and called it a night (at about 9pm). When we got back to Rusty Nail to pick up the car we saw a good number of our fellow crawlers milling about... I didn't ask any of them but I'm sure they couldn't find Jasper's either.


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